Sunday, September 30, 2012

First IUI cycle

My last cycle I was on femara  cd 3-7.  I had alot of pinching pain in my ovaries, starting around cd 9, so I was hoping it meant it was working. I went into my cd 11 scan, hoping for atleast 2 good follicles, but my body never does anything right, so I wasn't very optimistic.

 Dr started spounting off numbers to the nurse, and she did calculations and told him the final number. I listened, trying to make a mental note so I could see how many there was, surely not more than 2. I listend, right ovary, 12, 12, 17....!! Left ovary, 13, 15!! They said the 15 and 17 would for sure be ready by the time we did the IUI, but the 13 most likely will too. So, my thinking is, if the 13 could catch up, the 12's had a good chance too!

 I triggered the next day, cd 12 at midnight. I went on cd 14 for my first IUI. The sperm count wasn't as good as I hoped, dr. said between 2 mil and 10 mil. I'm not sure why he didn't give me a more specific number?? They did say they were "swimming" well because they used something that gives them a boost.

After the IUI, I went home and rested the rest of the day. I tried to rest alot for the next few days.

On 8 dpo, I had alot of cramping, I was hoping is was implantation cramping.

I tested out the trigger shot, I was still getting BFP 12 days past the trigger, so I was hoping that it was just going to stay positive, but then the next 2 days a bfn and later that day, cd 14, AF showed :(  On to the next cycle

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