Wednesday, February 20, 2013

CD 13, 14 - Good news, bad news

So, good news on CD 13! I had four measurable follies. 19, 18, 17 and 12. Lining was 10.8. I had the trigger that afternoon at 1:00, and had the set for the next afternood at 3:00 pm, (26 hours). I was super excited. This was it, it was going to work this time, I just knew it, especially since we have been living a healthier lifestyle, lost a few lbs, been taking supplements, and DH works in a factory, it is really hot in there in the summer, and all his SA's have been in the summer, so I was sure this would be better!

So, at 3pm, I am sitting there, covered in the sheet, floating on cloud nine, waiting for the Dr. He comes in with a look and sits down, "OH no....." He said that the volume of semen was very small, and the total number of sperm was 1.7 mil. He told us that it was very unlikely that it was going to work this cycle, and he wanted to tell us up front that we are going to have to consider our options.

#1, IVF with ICSI.
#2 Donor sperm
#3 adoption
#4 just live as the family we are and discontinue fertility treatments.

Well, we just put a strike through #4 right away.

There is no way we can afford #1 or 3 right now, since we just bought our house and remodeled it. It will be atleast a year until we can pay down our debt some to get a loan :(

And neither of us are ok with donor sperm at this point.

So, we are hoping this round actually does work. I want to continue our healthy lifestyle changes and DH started fertilaid, count boost and motility boost about 2 weeks ago. Then skip a cycle, and have another SA. He has had one that was 17 mil, so I am hopeful. Stay tuned.....

Monday, February 11, 2013

CD 6, Update.

Hey, here we are on CD 6, have done 3 shots of follistim so far. My E2 was 38.6 on CD 2, and now it is 88.8 as of this morning. I really don't know what that means, lol. However, they did tell me to stay on the 75 iu, so it must be where it should be.

Side effects so far: I started feeling crampy yesterday evening. Today though, I feel bloated, and my ovaries are really achy, and feel big. When I bend down, it pinches. Hoping that means they are filling up with eggies :)

I also am kind of a mental mess today, and I have no energy at all :(

I go on CD 8 for bw and u/s, can't wait to see how many follies there are!

Friday, February 8, 2013

We're back! CD 3

I am so excited to be starting up again! My last cycle was 75 days, ugh. But, here I am on cycle day 3, and starting follistim tonight. I was doing femara but quit responding, so we were moved on to follistim. However, we were in the middle of buying a house, and had to take a couple cycles off. Now that we are back on our feet, we are doing our first follistim cycle.

I am pretty nervous about side effects. My hormones are out of whack as it is, when i throw in medicine that messes with hormones, it tends to get ugly. I don't know if I am happy, sad, emotional, or mad from one minute to the next. So, we shall see, lol. I will update here throughout the cycle, wish us luck :)